Learning Summary 3
Learning summary 3
Machine Learning 2021 Spring:
- Spatial Transformer Layer (使CNN 具有旋转平移不变性)
- RNN and LSTM
- Gragh Neural Network:How to embed node into a feature space using convolution?
- Spatial-based convolution:
- Spectral-based convolution:将 Graph和Filter进行Transform到 Fourier domain 中做 Multiplication,得到结果再inverse Transform,实现Convolution
- 对 Graph Laplacian Matrix 进行特征分解,得到特征向量矩阵即为变化矩阵
- E.g ChebNet、GCN
- Spatial-based convolution:
- Tranformer
- Encoder: one block ( positional Encoding + mul-head attention with residual connection + FC )
- Decoder
- Autoregressice: Masked Multi-head Attention
- Non-Autoregressive
- The Connection between Encoder and Decoder: cross attention
Audio Classification with Spectrogram
- dataset : open dataset Speech Commands
- Data visualization and transformation
- plot waveform with different sample rate
- Spectrogram
- Mel Spectrogram:
- Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients
- Build model
- Spectrogram resize to (201, 81)
- CNN and Linear Classifier
- Train acc: 91% Val acc: 90%
在观看 CVPR 2021时看到一篇很有意思的paper (StableNet:Deep Stable Learning for Out-of-Distribution Generalization )
deep learning 模型基于独立同分布的基本假设,training data 和 testing data 具有相似分布时,模型的性能往往十分惊人,但实际中 testing data 的分布与 training data 分布往往相差较大,导致模型不能做出可信预测。文章希望在不同分布下的 average performance 没有很大的下降情况下,使模型 accuracy 的方差尽可能小,性能保持稳定.
Stable learning 基本假设:the domains of training data are unknown and we do not implicitly assume that the latent domains are balanced.
- 通过对样本进行全局加权来解决分布偏移问题,直接对每个输入样本的所有特征进行去相关,从而消除了相关和不相关特征之间的统计关联性,并通过RFF来衡量一般的独立性。
- 提出了一种有效的优化机制,通过迭代保存和重新加载模型的特征和权重来实现 perceive and remove correlations globally
Experiment:分别测试了 Unbalanced setting、Unbalanced + flexible setting、Unbalanced + flexible + adversarial setting、classic setting
Saliency map:为了演示模型在进行预测时是否关注对象或上下文 (domain),可视化了类分数函数相对于输入像素的梯度. 图中的 baseline model 的 Saliency map 显示,分类器对背景有着过多关注,呈现弥散型,而模型性能却没有做出决定性的帮助。 证明了StableNet更关注于视觉部分,当对象的姿势或位置变化时,这些视觉部分既具有区别性又具有不变性。