Learning summary 4
Machine Learning 2021 Spring:
Introduction of Generative Model: NetWork that can output distribution is called Generater
Generative Adversarial Network
- Generator
- Discriminator : CNN, Transformer
- Algorithm
- Unconditional Generation
- Anime Face Generation: Style-GAN
- the complex distribution generated by Generator and the data distribution are as close as possible to each other.
- Divergence: KL Divergence, JS Divergence
- \(\underset{D}{max}\space V(G,D)\) is related to JS divergence, replace \(Div(P_G, P_{data})\): \(G^* =\text{arg } \underset{G}{\text{min }} \underset{D}{\text{max }} V(G,D)\)
- Wasserstein distance (replace JS Div)-- WGAN
- Sequence Generation
- Anime Face Generation: Style-GAN
- Conditional Generation
- Text-to-Image
- Image Translation (Pix2pix)
- Sound to Image
- Evaluation of Generator
- Inception Score
- Question: Mode Collapse and Mode Dropping
- Fréchet Inception Distance (FID)
GAN in Unsupervised Learning: turn data of one domain into data of another domain
- Cycle GAN、Disco GAN、Dual GAN、StarGAN
- Bi-directional Cycle GAN
- Application:风格迁移(图像,文本)、无监督翻译
《Deep Learing with PyTorch》p1-p65
The deep learning revolution
recognizes the subject of an image
- Dataset: ImageNet
- ResNet
风格迁移:turns horses into zebras
- Cycle GAN
- Two Generators:9 ResNetBlock( in_channels=256, output_channals=256 ) + ResNetGenerator
- Discriminator: Classifier
imagecaption: NeuralTalk2